Sunday, May 22, 2016

Doctor Who?

Hello again! As you may know, I am a very dedicated Whovian. Welllllll (I'm going to be talking like the tenth Doctor for the whole post), New Who. Oh come on, don't look at me like that! I want to see the original, I really do, but it isn't on Netflix anymore. Right, yes, sorry. got a bit off track there. Anyway, if you watch the show, you may see how it reflects Christianity. The Doctor is very Christ-like at times. So get your fish fingers and custard, bring a banana, put on your fez and bowtie, get comfy and allons-y!

I find it fun to look for the Truth in our culture's entertainment. everything seems to follow the same pattern. There are usually two sides, light and dark, good and bad. They are at war. The bad are trying to destroy, while the good are keeping people safe from destruction. In most cases, the good succeed; who doesn't like a story of victory for the side of justice? Doctor Who is no exception to this pattern.

If you have never seen Doctor Who and are wondering what it's about, let me explain. the show is about a time and space traveling alien with two hearts called the Doctor. (No one knows his real name.) He is a Time Lord which is the race of people from the planet Gallifrey. When a Time Lord comes close to death, they can regenerate and change their whole body in the process. Gallifrey was destroyed in the Time war (I won't even try to explain that), so the Doctor is left traveling without a home. He goes to planets and times, saving the universe loads of times. He often comes to earth (usually England) and sometimes gets a new companion. So there you have it. If you have any questions or just want a fangirling partner, just come to me.

"Why? Do you think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" This is my favorite quote from the show. The Twelfth Doctor says it to Clara, one of his companions. I won't say what happened, in case you haven't seen it. All you need to know is that Clara was so upset because of something that she did something that she never would have done otherwise. And the way the Doctor replied has stuck with me ever since.

"He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and can see the turn of the universe. And... he's wonderful." This quote was said about the Tenth regeneration. If you have seen Ten, then you know how well this it sums him up. He was purely magnificent. Coincidentally, in this episode the Doctor must use a thing to change his DNA to human. So Jesus is already there. But let's look at the quote. Think of God. He's not a tame lion, after all. (Sorry, that's the Chronicles of Narnia.) He's dangerous, He's unpredictable. But He's completely wonderful. And he saves us when we need it the most. No matter what He has to sacrifice.

"Doctor," This was inspired by a blog post I found whilst searching for one more quote (three is a magic number). You aren't getting Rick rolled, I swear. What's happening here is the Doctor's (pesky tenth regeneration again) arch-enemy, the Master, has taken over the earth and made humans slaves. He has aged the Doctor somehow (don't ask, it's all science that doesn't exist), and he is helpless against the Master's evil schemes. But he tells Martha, the companion at that time, to walk the earth and tell everyone she meets her story. Well, the Master has this fleet of Toclafane (weird future human alien metal ball things) that he wants to launch to take over the universe with. And just as the countdown goes off the whole world says "Doctor," and the Doctor is restored (not regenerated) to his usual spikey haired self. Don't ask how, it's hard to explain. Anyway, the blog post I found said this: "From the end of season 3 when the entire world rose up in one voice saying  'Doctor, Doctor, Doctor…' (Every knee shall bow and proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord)" and that's why I was so inspired.

Well, that was quite the adventure. Not all of time and space perhaps, but certainly long enough. Once again, thank you for reading and I'll be writing again, hopefully sooner this time. Have a lovely life, and watch Doctor Who.

The Writer



    1. Try web version. I'll try to fix it on the mobile. And thank you so much!
